Where creativity stretches beyond the canvas
A Scrumpdiliumpcious Wonka Party!
Every kid should have a Wonka party!
I had so much fun preparing for this day!
In fact, Splatter Palette's origin was inspired from this event!
The fun is in the details so start by hand delivering these delicious Wonka Bar Party Invitations to your guests.
A Hershey chocolate bar is the perfect size and shape for these wrappers.
Inside is a golden ticket invitation to an awesome party.
The Invitation reads: Greetings to you the lucky finder of this
golden ticket from Mr. Willy Wonka. Present yourself at Main st. at one o'clock in the afternoon on the tenth day of September and do not be late. You may only bring yourself...and only you...and no one else. In your wildest dreams you can not imagine the marvelous surprises that await you as we celebrate Felicia's Tenth birthday!

Join the fun and download Splatter Palette's Wonka Party Package and receive printable templates for: Wonka Bar invitations, 8 Wonka Labels (including a new fizzing lifting drinks and Wonka's 3 course Dinner gum!) and Placemats.
Print out as many as you like and get creative.
Attach labels to jars, containers or treat bags.
Or, print them out on sticker paper for party favors!
Use the placemats to also decorate walls or even use it as wrapping paper!
Please note: This download is only available using Microsoft Word.
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Wonka Bar Invitation
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Wonka Bar Placemat
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Wonka Labels
The obvious theme here is candy, candy and more candy!
Load up several jars, containers, bowls with as many different Wonka candy that you can find. Create your own Wonka labels on the computer or by hand to give them a 'candy store look'.

On the table, I created Wonka Bar placemats with mini M&M cutlery pouches.
The pouches can later be used as wallets because they close with Velcro snaps.
Fizzy Lifting Drink labels were attached to tall colorful cups.
Add a licorice straw and serve with a special Wonka Punch (Mix Cream Soda with a bit of Sprite or Ginger ale).
Add a Mentos mint on the bottom.
The mint will cause the drink to bubble slightly as it dissolves so it looks
like a Fizzy Lifting drink!).

Create your own Lollipop Centerpiece by shaping modelling clay onto Styrofoam balls and attaching them with craft sticks into a decorative bowl.
Your lollipops can be plain colours or you can create fruit pops, cupcakes etc. Anything goes!

Some other ideas to decorate your table are:
Make cupcakes using cardstock for the base and felt with stuffing for the cupcakes.
Then, decorate them with jewels or paint.
Spread real sweethearts candy on the table or make them like I did, using craft foam and sweetheart stickers. I stuck the stickers on the foam and then cut the shapes out. You can even dangle them from a small decorative tree that you can find at a craft store.

Now let's start thinking big!
Use large boxes to recreate your favorite Wonka candy on a larger scale. Why decorate with balloons when you can hang or arrange candy bars and treats all around the room? The best part is that after the party, your child will definitely want to keep these yummy sculptures and they will look wonderful in their room!

For the Giant Wonka Bar, I used a box from a cabinet my mom had recently purchased.
I covered it with red wrapping paper and brown packaging paper and then made the lettering with card stock.
Have some aluminum foil folding out from the wrapper for some realism. I even put a golden ticket peeking out from the top!
For the Sweet Tarts Candy, I used empty wrapping paper tubes and colored craft paper.
If you need help creating the lettering, use the computer to copy and enlarge
the original script. Then just cut and glue it on.
I also added more foil on the ends for some shine and detail.
I wanted some round shapes along with the boxes to soften the look so I made large M&M's out of felt and stuffing. These can still be found in my kids' rooms.
What is more whimsical than giant lollipops!
For the ones I used in doors, I made them out of disc shaped Styrofoam (found at craft stores) and covered them with felt.
I attached wooden dowels for sticks and wrapped them with Cellophane, completing their look with matching ribbons.
Below are ones that I made decorating outside. Using felt would not be wise in case of rain so I used colored plastic plates!
Staple two sides together, attach to long bamboo sticks and then wrap with Cellophane.
My neighbours loved them and the kids enjoyed walking down the lollipop lane to enter the party! Huge success!

Party Favors
I made Wonka hats out of paper cups to hold a variety of Wonka candy.
I added a card stock base to make the bottom of the hat, attached the 'W' logo with gold paper and added a purple trim. Voila! Unique party favors that you can use to hold your pencils on your desk after the party.

Handy Bands instead of hats!
If your party is just for girls, have them wear these delicious cupcake headbands.
They are only available at Splatter Palette.
This fun headband was such a success, it helped launch the creation of Splatter Palette.

Wonka Bar Cake
Order the perfect Wonka Bar cake from your favorite bakery by providing them with an image or make it yourself.

Party Games
Use a Wonka poster off the computer or draw Wonka onto a large poster board for a game of Place the Everlasting Gobstopper in Wonka's Hand!
Create colorful everlasting gobstoppers using paper and attach some tape on the back. Blindfold the kids by using large white "Wonka Vision" glasses (With the lenses blacked out by black cardstock) and see if they can place the candy on his outstretched hand.
Chocolate River Guessing Game: Melt 4 kinds of chocolate bars together and have the kids guess what bars you used by simply looking at the mixture . (Hint: Use a variety of chocolate that have wafers or nuts in them to help the kids identify them.

Party Craft
Using the same method as the lollipop centerpiece, have the kids create
their own mini potted versions.
Each guest will receive a mini pot (already prepared with green foam inside
and covered with grass straw), some modelling clay, mini foam craft balls
and lollipop sticks (the ones used for candy molds).
Most of the items can be found at craft or dollar stores.
Using your centerpiece as a model, they can make their own creation.